Stephen Hutchings.jpg
Jean d'Asperemont 7.jpg
Eva copy.jpg
Uma Kothari.jpg
Mavericks web.png

The Brief: Produce a campaign that highlights academics who demonstrate how humanities research at The University of Manchester effects change. I decided to position the academics as mavericks in their field. These globe trotting maverick academics aren’t afraid of tackling global problems and challenging the status quo. This needed to come across in the campaign through what they wore, in the locations that represented their work and how they carried themselves.

The Campaign: The campaign spanned both online and offline channels and launched with an exhibition of the images displayed at the Alliance Manchester Business School. Video was played across various electronic billboards and screens across the campus. There was a small printed magazine style booklet, featuring interviews with the academics. Large format graphics were used across the campus too. The content was also used on the University’s website and across social media.

The Results: A 1351% increase of new visitors to the Humanities website and a reach of 54,000 people on instagram alone. Beyond the metrics the images helped the faculty engage with their staff and made people feel empowered and inspired.

Skills employed:

  • Art direction

  • Brand storytelling

  • Photography

  • Filmmaking

  • Graphic design
